
Thesis - Creating a Safer Running Experience

A routine run can turn into a final run in a matter of seconds. Runners and drivers are exposed to a variety of distractions that hinder their ability to safely react to potential incidents. With the help of Augmented Reality and wearable technology, runners can help reduce traffic related incidents by staying focused on the road and their surroundings. This project looks to investigate how AR technology can be leveraged to offer the safest run without diminishing the running user-experience.


Benefits of Using Motion in Your Designs

"Motion can do a lot more than make a design feel shiny.

Yes, when done right motion design brings an additional level of polish to designs. But what it also does is reinforce interactions.

When planning out experiences, we as designers should design for motion."


Leave the Camera Bag at Home

"Next time you’re out taking photos try bringing just one camera and one lens. You’ll be surprised with the results."


My Path to Becoming a Designer

"I am a product designer.

But how did I get here? This question is different for everyone. Some people always knew what they wanted to be growing up, but I didn’t."


Easing into Motion

"The speed at which an object travels is a key factor to motion design. Speed graphs, or F-Curves, are how we can adjust the speed of objects between keyframes.

Speed equates to easing in motion design."


A New Meaning for e-Tickets

"Printed Ticket or e-Ticket?

That is the question that I was faced with upon checking out. 

I thought about all sorts of ways I could include the tickets with the vinyl. Maybe a special note, or do something a little more crafty and try to make a ticket by hand? Then I realized the perfect solution."

Selected Works

Cadence - ThesisUX, UI, AR, VR, Motion, Brand, Product

RUNCLUBUX, UI, Interaction, Cross-Platform

Meetups for InstrumentUX, UI, Motion

Boeing FlightBoardUI, 3D, Motion

RIT VR ExperienceVR, 3D, Motion

AR Auxiliary ServicesUX, UI, Programming, AR

PunctualUX, UI

LEGO HeistAR, 3D, Motion

Impact VRMotion

Weezer3D, Motion


World Around MePhotography